Newport, South Wales, UK Since 2013
Accredited to
Certify any Commercial Building in England, Scotland or Wales.
07510 090 633
We provide the evidence and assessment services for HEA and ENE BREEAM credits.
Assessments can be undertaken using either SBEM or DSM methodology.
How much will it cost?H
BREEAM - What information do we require?
As with any calculation based upon a Part L2A assessment – the calculated data is only as good as the data input into it. As a compliance assessment, a number of factors are prescribed, resulting in outcomes which may deviate significantly from those achieved in practice. If a more concise understanding of CO2 emission reductions or energy demand is required, it is recommended to carry out a design evaluation via a bespoke thermal simulation.
Note, for shell and core / design stage buildings, as a minimum we require only floor plans and elevations to produce either an EPC or an SBEM report. However, any M&E specifications or U values that have been recommended (in the absence of any information provided) within the calculations should be implemented as a minimum during fit out.
We determine what information you need to provide on a case by case basis, usually this is established with a short telephone conversation and email exchange either prior or after appointment.
BREAM ENE 01 "Energy - Reduction of Energy Use and Carbon Emissions"
The aim of ENE01 is to recognise and encourage buildings designed to minimise operational energy demand, consumption and CO2 emissions.
The assessment is based upon the ‘Brukl.inp’ file that we will produced within a Part L2A compliance assessment and will consider the following criteria:
The building’s operational energy demand
The energy delivered (consumption)
The total resulting CO2 emissions
The calculation is determined by modelling the building’s specified/designed regulated fixed building services.
Building floor area (m2)
Notional building energy demand (MJ/m2)
Actual building energy demand (MJ/m2)
Notional building energy consumption (kWh/m2)
Actual building energy consumption (kWh/m2)
Target Emission Rate (kgCO2/m2)
Building Emission Rate (kgCO2/m2)
BREAM ENE 04 "Energy - Low and Zero Carbon Technologies"
The aim of BREEAM Ene 04; ‘Energy - Low and Zero Carbon Technologies’ is to reduce carbon emissions and atmospheric pollution by encouraging local energy generation from renewable sources to supply a significant proportion of the energy demand.
This issue is split into two parts:
Passive Design (2 credits).
Low or zero carbon technologies (1 credit).
BREEAM - Pricing and Lead-Time
We will provide a fixed price quote depending upon the only credits required.
We include in our pricing unlimited telephone/video/email consultancy and iterations of each simulation until the desired result is achieved.
As soon as we have been provided with the data we will begin work, typically either the same or the next working day. Allow two working days for the issue of the first reports.